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    Acne, the most common skin disorder, will affect nearly 85% of people. Although acne usually begins in puberty, it is not limited to teenagers. In fact, many adults develop acne in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, suffering both the physical and emotional pain of this condition throughout their lives.

    In the past, treatment for acne often meant taking oral medications, like antibiotics or Accutane, with potential systemic side effects, applying topical gels and creams that could be irritating to the skin and painful injections.

    Left untreated, acne can lead to permanent scarring for a lifetime.

    With BLU-U light treatments you can control your acne with a simple, non-invasive, painless in office procedure. The BLU-U® not only destroys P. Acnes, the bacteria that cause facial acne, but it also aids in the healing process. After treatment your skin will have a much smoother, glowing and healthier appearance without all those red lumps and bumps.

    BLU-U can be used to speed up the healing of existing acne lesions and to prevent early lesions from coming to the surface to “rear their ugly heads.”

    BLU treatments take only 16 minutes to complete. Unlike lasers which are painful, the BLU-U® feels soothing. It’s like sitting in front of a big blue fish aquarium.

    The BLU-U® is FDA approved for treating moderate inflammatory acne. Dr. Roberts usually has patients repeat the BLU-U® once or twice a week for approximately 8 weeks, depending upon the severity.

    In time, the skin will renew itself with acne free skin. In addition, Dr. Roberts might recommend a topical treatment to maintain your blemish free complexion.

    After a treatment session you can go right back to your usual routine as BLU-U has no down time.

    For more information about BLU-U acne treatments, call our office for an appointment or visit the official product website: