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    MelanomaAlso called malignant melanoma, can be life threatening.

    Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, kills one person every 50 minutes. It is the second most common cancer for young adults aged 15-29 years old. Rates for melanoma are increasing faster than nearly all other cancers. Although more common in fair skinned people, anyone can get melanoma. While sun exposure including use of tanning salons increases your risk of developing melanoma, genetic and environmental factors also play a role. When found and treated early, the cure rate is nearly 100%. Unfortunately failure to diagnosis and treat melanoma when it is still confined to the thinnest upper layer of the skin or epidermis, reduces survival rates and is a leading cause of cancer death among young adults.

    Dermatologists believe that the number of deaths from melanoma would be much lower if people:

    • Knew the warning signs of melanoma.
    • Learned how to examine their skin regularly for signs of skin cancer.
    • Took the time to examine their skin.
    • Practiced proper lifelong sun protective measures starting in childhood

    It is important to take time to carefully examine all the moles on your skin every month to become familiar with your own moles and help your dermatologist detect any changes or new growths.

    Remember the best way to survive melanoma is to catch and treat it early.

    Dr. Roberts recommends total body skin cancer screenings for all her patients to detect skin cancer at its earliest stages and teach her patients about the early warning signs of skin cancer.

    Contact Dr. Heather Roberts for further information.