- Liver
- Yogurt
- Sour cream
- Cheese (except cottage cheese)
- Chocolate
- Vanilla
- Soy sauce
- Yeast extract (bread is ok)
- Vinegar
- Eggplant
- Avocados
- Spinach
- Broad-leaf beans and pods, including Lima, navy or pea
- Citrus fruits, including tomatoes, Bananas, red plums, raisins or figs
- Spicy and thermally hot foods
- Foods high in histamine
- Alcohol, especially red wine, beer, bourbon, gin, vodka or champagne
- Hot drinks, including hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee or tea
Emotional influences
Physical exertion
- Exercise
- “Lift and load” jobs
- Saunas
- Hot baths
- Simple overheating
- Excessively warm environments
- Sun
- Strong winds
- Cold
- Humidity
- Vasodilators
- Topical steroids
Medical conditions
- Frequent flushing
- Menopause
- Chronic cough
- Caffeine withdrawal syndrome
Skin care products
- Some cosmetics and hair sprays, especially those containing alcohol, witch hazel or fragrances
- Hydro-alcoholic or acetone substances
- Any substance that causes redness or stinging